People are not perfect, so it’s inevitable for us to have to deal with different kinds of people in our lives. People come in all shapes and sizes. People have different views about things, they love differently, behave differently, believe differently…you get the drift!
However, when it comes to relationships, there are some types of people that you just shouldn’t get involved with. Styleter brought 12 Toxic Types of People You Should Avoid Dating at Any Cost
1 . People that don’t love themselves
They say you should always love yourself before loving another person. People who don’t know how to love themselves, treat themselves and make time for themselves won’t be able to give you the same affection and care you deserve. People who don’t take good care of themselves are emotionally unstable and more likely to hurt others. People who don’t know how to have fun and enjoy life is hard to be with. People who think they are not worthy of love can never show you a good time in a relationship. People who don’t love themselves will only bring you heartache, pain, tears and frustration in the end.
2 . People that want to change you
People who want to change you will never be happy with anything. People who want to change the way you think and behave don’t love you unconditionally. People who try to make you fit into their perfect box will never accept your uniqueness. People like this will suffocate your dreams and desires, take away your individuality and eventually devour all the positive parts of you. People who try to change you will only push you away that eventually, there won’t be any ‘you’ left in your relationship.
3 . People with no respect for other people’s time
People like this are busybodies and they don’t know how to manage their own time or other people time. People with no respect for other people time will not be able to make you feel loved and appreciated. People like this always come late, they never give you the proper amount of time and attention. People with no respect for your time can make your life miserable, it’s hard to be in a relationship when someone doesn’t care about your feelings or thoughts. People like this will suck all the energy and happiness out of you.
4 . People that come with too much baggage
People who come with a lot of emotional or physical baggage are not fun to be around, or sometimes they can wreck your life completely! People who have a past filled with broken hearts and heart aches don’t know how to go through healthy relationships. People with a past filled with broken hearts and heart aches tend to be co-dependent and needy because they always want their love interest to fill the void in their lives.
They will make you feel guilty for doing things on your own, ignoring them or taking care of yourself. People like this tend to be very clingy and suffocating that it becomes a chore to have them around. they are emotionally draining, they don’t know how to appreciate you because all they want is someone to be there for them. People like this will drain your energy and eventually suck the life out of you.
5 . People who are not open minded
People who aren’t open minded will suffocate and dampen your adventurous spirit. People who don’t think out of the box and just follow what society dictates as ‘normal’, tend to be old-fashioned and narrow-minded. People with no imagination or those who never show you a different perspective about things, will only limit your views!
Narrow minded people like this will not be able to fight for you, they will give up on you when the going gets tough. People who aren’t open minded only know how to fit in with society, they don’t know how to make things better or come out of the box! People like this will try their best to change you instead of trying to understand your individuality.
People like this are insecure with their own insecurities that they project on you. People who aren’t open minded will not be able to respect your views or give you enough attention, it’s difficult for them because they are only used to the idea of ‘sameness’. People with no sense of adventure can make life boring and mundane, there won’t be any surprises or fun moments. People like this will only give you a headache, so its best to avoid them!
6 . People who won’t fight for your relationship
People who don’t know how to fight for you and your love interest are cowards and weaklings. People with no willpower and courage can never give you the kind of attention your deserve. People who are afraid to fight for you and your love interest will always let you fall for someone else, they will give up on you easily because they don’t believe in themselves enough! People who won’t fight for you or your relationship aren’t passionate about life or the people around them.
People like this are selfish, they always put themselves first and they can’t think outside of their own little world. People with no willpower and courage will always choose the easy way out, so don’t expect them to go after things if its difficult. People like this are always passive aggressive and they never take action! People who won’t fight for you or your relationship will drain all your energy because they are too comfortable with letting you go or giving up on you.
People like this need to ‘grow a pair’ and become assertive! People who won’t fight for your relationship will always be indecisive, it’s difficult to depend on them when the going gets tough. People like this will make life extremely difficult if they can’t make a simple decision.
Men who won’t fight for you or your relationship will always let you down, don’t expect anything from them because they always think of themselves first! People like this need to learn how to stand on their own and become independent! People who won’t fight for your relationship aren’t worth it, avoid them at all costs!
7. People who don’t reciprocate commitment
People who don’t reciprocate commitment behave as if they are single even when you have a stable relationship with them. People who have no sense of loyalty and dedication will always cheat behind your back, they never value the people around them. People who don’t reciprocate commitment aren’t capable of showing you that they care about you, they will always let you down and make you feel like they don’t care. People who don’t reciprocate commitment always do things on their own time, because of this reason they will never be at your beck and call.
8. People who are passive aggressive
People who are passive aggressive always have a problem with expressing their anger in an adult manner, they will never be frank with you. People who are passive aggressive have problems communicating how they feel to others because of their lack of self-esteem.
passive aggressive people can make your life difficult when you least expect it, they will constantly badmouth you and put you down when they are angry. People who are passive aggressive can never be in a healthy relationship with anyone, because of this reason they need to work on themselves and their issues in order to become more assertive and clear about how they feel!
9. People who always think of themselves first
People who always think of themselves first will make your life difficult because they can’t put you before anything else in their lives. People who are self-centered and narcissistic need to learn how to be more supportive, if they can’t do this then its best that they stay single.
They love themselves only and always think of themselves first are never there for you when you need them the most, so don’t ever expect anything from them. People who always think of themselves first aren’t capable of loving anyone other than themselves, because of this reason they should stay away from relationships!
10. People who are dishonest
People who are dishonest will always make your life difficult because they can’t be frank and upfront with you. People who are not honest lack trustworthiness and there is no way that you can build a relationship on lies. People who are not honest always put their own needs first, because of this reason they will never tell you how they really feel.
dishonest individuals are always going to make your life difficult, the best way to deal with them is to cut them out of your life all together! People who are not honest will drain every bit of energy from you without even realizing it, because of this reason its best that they stay single!
11. People who lack self-esteem
People who lack self-esteem will make your life difficult because they won’t be able to think of their own wants and needs. People who have no sense of self-worth will never value the people around them, you shouldn’t waste your time on people like this.
Individuals with low self-esteem are useless when it comes to a relationship, they will always put their own needs first and leave you to take care of them. People who are not confident are never good at making decisions because they lack the thought process to do so! People who lack self-esteem are incapable of being in a healthy relationship with anyone, because of this reason you should stay well away from them!
12. People who are never there when you need them the most
People who are never there when you need them the most will make your life difficult because they can’t be counted on. People who don’t put in the effort into existing relationships are incapable of sticking around. People who don’t know how to support their partner will always let you down in the worst way possible.
guys who are never there when you need them the most have serious commitment issues, they don’t even know how to love someone else! People who only think about themselves will drain your energy and your time with them all together. People who always put their own needs first in a relationship lack empathy, its best that you stay well away from them!
so we think these are the people you need to avoid dating at any cost because you will never be able to trust them, or feel safe with them. Don’t ever get involved with these types of people is our advice!