Future Food Technology: 10 High-Tech Foods to Expect in The Future

The future of food, if we are to take some scientists and future-food enthusiasts at their word, will involve genetically modified organisms (GMOs), foods synthesized through 3D printing, and all sorts of other weird and wonderful creations.

The future of food, if we are to take some scientists and future-food enthusiasts at their word, will involve genetically modified organisms (GMOs), foods synthesized through 3D printing, and all sorts of other weird and wonderful creations. But which future foods—and future food technologies—are the most likely to take off and become a significant part of our diets? well,  Styleter collected  a list of 10 foods we will be eating in the future.

10 High-tech foods we will be eating in the future

1. Insect Lattes

Insect Lattes

Insects are a great source of protein and future-food advocates think they could be a good alternative to meat.

2. Artificial Meat

Artificial Meat

A range of companies around the world are researching ways to make artificial, lab-grown meat that is both sustainable and inexpensive.

3. Soylent Green

Soylent Green

Soylent already exists in a powdered form, and future food enthusiasts think that Soylent green could someday be a real thing.

4. Edible Electronics

Edible Electronics

A company called WikiPearls is creating edible electronics already – they are basically little beads of candy with LED lights inside them so they flash on the tongue making it look like you’re getting messages from future beings.

5. Insect Ice Cream

Insect Ice Cream

Butterwort and cricket-flavored ice creams have already been created by a company that wants future foodies to love insects just as much as they do.

6. 3D Printed Food

3D Printed Food

3D printers work with all kinds of things, including food – future foodies think future foods will include 3D printed treats.

7. Food Pills

Food Pills

The future of food will involve fewer and fewer ingredients, future foodies believe, and future diets may instead consist of a few capsules full of vitamins and nutrients.

8. Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners are already pretty common in the future foods world – future-foodies say future foods will include even more artificial sweeteners.

9. Food Replacements

Food Replacements

Future foodies think future foods will continue to replace traditional ingredients like meat with substitutes that are just as good for you without filling your stomach up so much.

10. Insect-Based Sauces

Insect-Based Sauces

Future foodies like future foods with lots of spices, and future foods will include insect-based sauces to give future foods some extra flavor.