10 Tricks To Get Clearer Skin Overnight

How to Get Clear Skin Fast 10 Easy Tips For Gorgeous Skin Overnight

Getting clear skin overnight is not as hard or impossible as you think. It’s about believing that it will work, putting in the time and effort to try what works best for your skin type, staying consistent with your routine, and never giving up. Admittedly, even though you want to get clearer skin overnight, getting it to stay that way may take some time so patience is key. Styleter brought you 10 tricks for getting clear skin overnight.

How To Get Clearer Skin Overnight

1. Drink more water.

Water is the most important thing you need for healthier, brighter skin. Water is essential for keeping your organs healthy and hydrated as well as flushing out toxins from your body, including those that have been sitting on your face.

2. Use a humidifier or vaporizer at night before bed.

This will moisturize the air, which moisturizes the skin, making it hydrated.

3. Use sunscreen.

Sunscreen is important if you are in the sun for more than 20 minutes in one day. It protects your skin from getting burned or irritated which can cause breakouts, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation later on in life. It’s especially important to use sunscreen if you are outdoors during the times of day when the sun’s rays are at their strongest, usually between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. If you must be outdoors for an extended amount of time, try to find shade as much as possible and always wear protective clothing rather than just sunscreen on your face alone.

4. Use a gentle cleanser or non-foaming cleanser.

For the most part, the more gentle something is, the better it is for your skin. This includes using a mild soap such as Dove or Olay and not foaming cleansers such as Neutrogena Ultra Gentle Daily Cleanser with Salicylic Acid (which contain chemicals that aren’t as good for your skin).

5. Exfoliate!

Exfoliating helps reduce acne and prevents it from forming by removing the build-up of dead cells on top of your skin. How often you exfoliate is up to you but a good goal is at least once a week. The best way to exfoliate is to use a gentle scrub that doesn’t contain beads or too much oil. This will help reduce the chances of over-exfoliation and skin irritation, especially if your skin is sensitive.

6. Use moisturizer appropriate for your skin type.

Not using moisturizer is one of the biggest skincare mistakes you can make. Moisturizing your skin is the best way to hydrate it which helps it retain its elasticity, maintain a natural glow, and keep itself looking youthful. If you have dry skin then stick with moisturizers that are more emollient or cream-based. Oily or combination skin should use gel-based moisturizer while normal skin can use cream-based moisturizer.

7. Get enough sleep every night.

To get clearer skin overnight, you need to be able to fall asleep and stay asleep for at least 8 hours each night. This is because your body needs the time to repair itself and if it does not get this chance then it cannot fight off bacteria or heal itself. How well you sleep each night is an indicator of how bright your skin looks since studies have shown that people who do not get enough sleep tend to look more pale, grey, and even depressed while those who get at least 7 hours of sleep a night are known to have healthier complexions with fewer wrinkles.

8. Try tea tree oil.

Tea tree oil is an anti-inflammatory that can help reduce redness, bumps, and irritation on your skin. How you use tea tree oil with your skincare regimen is up to you but most people use it after they have cleansed their skin at night before applying moisturizer. A good product with tea tree oil is the Neutrogena Healthy Skin Face Lotion.

9. Avoid touching your face or resting your hands on it while you sleep.

If you touch your face, breakouts are more likely to occur. This is because when you do so bacteria gets transferred onto your face and this bacteria can clog up pores and cause acne to form. How often you touch your face is up to you but it’s best to avoid touching it as much as possible.

10. Use acne medication.

If you have especially bad skin, using an acne medication can be extremely beneficial in reducing the number of breakouts on your face and making them heal faster if they do form. How often you apply acne medication is up to you but a good guideline is around three times a day. How well it works for your skin depends on what kind of medication it is and how bad your breakouts are, so if your acne doesn’t improve, try another brand or switch to something else entirely.

You can try these tricks for yourself or share them with someone who needs a quick solution to their acne, redness, and irritation problems.