How to Stop Gaining Weight from Anxiety

How to Stop Gaining Weight from Anxiety

Starting a new exercise program or diet plan can be hard, especially when you have anxiety. Gaining weight from anxiety is a very common problem for those with stress and anxiety disorders. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s get down to business and learn how to overcome it!

You are probably wondering what you can do to lose weight with anxiety? As stated above, anxiety causes the metabolism to slow down. The key here is overcoming your anxiety, which will automatically get rid of that excess weight you have been trying so hard to lose. Styleter some tips on how to stop gaining weight from anxiety

Adopt an Anti-Anxiety Diet

When it comes to reducing anxiety and losing weight, an anti-anxiety diet might be extremely beneficial. Consume lots of fresh fruits and vegetables while limiting your intake of high-sugar foods. You should also eliminate caffeine and soda from your diet since they both promote anxiety and stress in the body. It is important to eat lots of whole grains, nuts and seeds, lean proteins (chicken and turkey), nonfat dairy products, beans, legumes, lentils, brown rice and other complex carbohydrates.

 Exercise Regularly

Exercise helps reduce anxiety naturally by promoting the production of endorphins in the body which are associated with feelings of well-being. Exercise has also been proven to lower anxiety levels. This benefit can be attributed to the release of endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that make people feel good and improve mood.

Get Enough Sleep

When your body is tired it produces more cortisol, a stress hormone that increases production of sugar and leads to weight gain. Cortisol is also thought to trigger abdominal fat storage, which leads to high cholesterol and blood pressure. Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep per night if you want to lose weight from anxiety.

 Practice Yoga and Meditation

Calming the mind and focusing on breathing promotes relaxation and helps lower stress levels. Yoga can also strengthen the muscles, which increases metabolism. Meditation helps you become more aware of your external environment and thus reduces fear and anxiety attacks.

Do Something You Enjoy

When you are feeling stressed or anxious it is not a good time to do something that requires you to think too much. Doing something that makes you lose track of time, such as painting, is a perfect way to forget about your anxiety and stress.

 Get a Massage

Getting a massage from a qualified masseuse can be therapeutic and help reduce anxiety disorders on its own. Even if it doesn’t cure your anxiety completely you’ll at least have one of the most relaxing experiences ever!

Get Rid of Your Negative Thoughts

Negative thoughts are the driving force behind anxiety, so it is important to pay attention to what you think. There are many different strategies to reduce negative thinking, such as stopping the thought before it consumes your mind or challenging it by asking yourself if this is really true.

Get Some Sunlight

The sunlight regulates the body’s internal clock and affects hormones such as serotonin and melatonin. Exposure to natural sunlight is a good way to manage anxiety because it stimulates the release of serotonin and dopamine, which are both neurotransmitters that help you feel happier.

 Practice Deep Breathing Techniques

Anxiety is accompanied by rapid breathing, so learning how to slow down your breath can be extremely beneficial for reducing stress and anxiety. There are many different techniques you can use to do this, such as the four-seven-eight breathing exercise.

 Reduce Alcohol, Sugar and Caffeine Consumption

Alcohol is a depressant that can exacerbate anxiety symptoms. It also interferes with the GABA neurotransmitter system which regulates stress levels. Caffeinated beverages like coffee should also be limited since they are anxiety-provoking. Sugar has been linked to anxiety attacks in people who are prone to them. If you want to lose weight from anxiety, these substances can make your disorder worse so try to avoid them.

Learn to Say No

Anxiety often makes it difficult for people to say no or let go of responsibilities, but it’s important that you don’t overburden yourself. Saying yes when you want to say no can exacerbate your anxiety and undermine your self-esteem.

 Get Enough Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 deficiency is extremely common in those who suffer from anxiety disorders. Vitamin B12 plays an important role in neurotransmitter formation and it also helps with the production of serotonin, which is why low levels are associated with anxiety. Eat foods rich in vitamin B12 like meats, eggs and dairy to promote good mental health.

Get Your Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals also play a role in anxiety, so make sure you are getting enough of these from your diet. Try to include dark leafy greens, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots and citrus fruits into your meals if possible.

 Get Enough Magnesium

Magnesium deficiency is often linked to anxiety and other mood disorders. It has been shown to reduce the stress hormone cortisol, which is why many people with anxiety report feeling calmer after increasing their intake of magnesium-rich foods. You can find magnesium in spinach, avocados, bananas and dark chocolate among others.

Include Healthy Fats into Your Diet

Healthy fats like omega 3 and monounsaturated fatty acids can help keep anxiety at bay. These are usually found in fish, nuts and olives so be sure to include these into your diet if you want to reduce stress and manage anxiety better.

Get Enough Iron

Iron deficiency is extremely common, especially in those with anxiety disorders. Iron plays a crucial role in your body because it helps make dopamine and serotonin, which contribute to the regulation of mood. Foods high in iron include lean red meat and dark leafy greens.

Get Adequate Zinc

Zinc deficiency has been shown to cause more anxiety, so make sure you are getting enough from your diet. Zinc can be found in oysters, beef and pumpkin seeds so try adding these into your meals if anxiety is a problem for you.

If you suffer from anxiety and other mood disorders, it’s important to make sure that you always get enough sleep since sleep deprivation has been linked to various psychiatric problems. Make sure to eat a balanced diet with the proper amount of calories and exercise regularly in order to stay healthy.