30+ Healthy Foods That Can Be Unhealthy When You Overeat Them

Healthy Foods That Can Be Unhealthy When You Overeat Them

Foods that are considered healthy can turn into foes when they’re overeaten. They might be packed with vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre but too much of anything is bad for your health. here is a list of foods that can be harmful to your health if you eat them in excess.

1. Garlic

Garlic contains what is known as allicin, which can help reduce high cholesterol levels. But eating too much of it has the opposite effect on your health. The more garlic you eat, the greater its adverse effects on your heath will be. Studies suggest that excessive garlic intake can lead to damage to your red blood cells and make you more susceptible  to infections.

2. Peppers

Peppers are the fruits of the plant capsicum and they’re often associated with Mexican, Thai and Indian cuisine. Although peppers look harmless, your body          takes quite some time to digest the fruit. Eating more than required can cause severe discomfort in your stomach region.

3. Eat too many beets, and you could run into trouble with your liver

Beetroot or garden beet is one of the most commonly consumed vegetables across the world. Beets are rich in betaine which is known to improve the digestive system. But, eating too much of it can cause problems with your liver because of its high content of nitrates.

4. Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts are packed with healthy fatty acids, but they also contain high amounts of fat. Although macadamia nuts are considered to be low in carbohydrates, overeating them can cause obesity and other digestive problems.

5. Overly Cooked Vegetables

While most people love overcooked vegetables because it makes the vegetable more palatable, this cooking method can also make the vegetable extremely harmful to your health. Overcooking vegetables causes the loss of its natural vitamin content because it’s destroyed during high temperature cooking.

6. Pinto Beans

Pinto beans are commonly used in salads and other dishes across the world, but they can cause flatulence if you consume excess of it. Excessive gas in your stomach region causes indigestion and further causes discomfort when eating something.

7 .   Banana Peels

Banana peels contain high amounts of potassium that helps reduce muscle cramps, but most people throw it away. Eating them in excess can cause bloating and stomach cramps.

8 .  Asparagus

Asparagus is known for its beneficial effects on the urinary tract. It contains high amounts of vitamin K, but it also contains oxalates which can cause problems with your kidneys if you eat too much of it.

9. Cabbage

Cabbage is one of the most commonly consumed vegetables across the world. But too much of it can decrease your body’s ability to absorb vitamin K which is essential for blood clotting. Vitamin K also plays a vital role in keeping your bones strong and healthy, so eating cabbage in excess can have lasting effects on your health.

10. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are excellent sources of beta-carotene, but overeating them can cause skin problems. Beta-carotene causes your skin to darken and discolouration usually occurs if you eat too much sweet potatoes.

11 . Almonds

Although almonds contain many vital vitamins and minerals, they’re also rich in fat. Overeating nuts can cause severe pain in your stomach region and blunt the appetite. Nuts are actually more dangerous than most people think because it takes approximately 4 to 5 pounds of nuts to get sick which means you have to eat an entire bucket of nuts to be sick.

12 .  What about Avocado?

Avocado is often hailed as a superfood, but eating too much of it can cause nausea. Moreover, it also contains high amounts of fat which can cause weight gain if you eat too much of it.

13     Eat too much ginger and you’ll end up with heartburn

Ginger is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, but eating too much of it can lead to heartburn. Although rarer, this symptom could also be an indication of gallstones or cancer in some cases.

14 Grapes

Grapes are a good source of vitamins and minerals, but eating too much of them can lead to nausea. Long-term consumption of grapes causes arthritis.

15 . Romaine Lettuce

Romaine lettuce contains high amounts of vitamin K which is essential for blood clotting, but too much of it can cause internal bleeding. Although this condition is rare, it’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your health and safety.

16 . Honey

Honey contains antioxidants which helps prevent heart disease, but overeating honey can also lead to digestive problems such    as heartburn and bloating.

17 .  Chicken

people fail to realize that excess consumption of chicken can lead to weight gain and other health problems. Although chicken is rich in lean protein, it’s also high in fat and cholesterol. Eating too much of it can cause weight gain and is a risk factor for  cardiovascular diseases.

18 . Soybean Oil

Soybean oil is widely used in cooking, but too much of it can cause cancer and diabetes. In fact, this type of vegetable oil has been linked to a number of disease

19 . Mushrooms

Mushrooms are good for your health because it contains high amounts of cancer-fighting substances called glucosinolates. Unfortunately, mushrooms also contain agaritine which is known to cause cancer in humans.

20  . Spinach

Spinach lovers should be careful about how much they enjoy this  vegetable because too much of it can cause diarrhea. In some cases, people have been hospitalized after eating too many leafy greens.

21 . Peas

Peas have a high amount of fiber which is great for your digestive system, but overeating them can lead to bloating and gas . Long-term consumption of peas can cause arthritis.

22 . Tea

Tea is high in antioxidants which help fight cancer, but drinking too much of it can raise your blood sugar levels and cause abdominal bloating. It’s actually recommended to drink four cups of tea per day because any more than that can have an adverse effect on your health.

23 . Apples

Apples are known to be rich in antioxidants, but overeating them can cause acne. Moreover, apples also contain a high amount of sugar which can lead to weight gain if you eat too much of it. If you’re looking for a healthier alternative, you can try green tea instead.

24 . Sweet Carrots

Carrots are good for your eyesight because it contains beta-carotene which is converted to vitamin A in the liver, but overeating carrots can lead to hair loss and vitamin A toxicity. Moreover,  too much vitamin A also causes birth defects.

25 . Pistachios

Although pistachios are packed with minerals and antioxidants, eating too much of them can cause nausea. Moreover, it also contains high amounts of fats which can lead to weight gain if you eat too much of it.

26 . Cheese

while cheese is high in calcium, it’s also high in fat. Eating too much of this dairy product can lead to obesity and other cardiovascular diseases.

27 . Tomato Sauce

although tomato sauce is high in lycopene, which is a good antioxidant, eating too much of it can lead to diarrhea and intestinal problems. In some cases, people have been hospitalized because they ate too much of this condiment. So remember to use it sparingly.

28 . Pomegranate Juice

just like tomatoes, pomegranate juice also contains lycopene which is linked to reduced risk of cancer and heart disease. However, overconsumption of this drink can lead to nausea and diarrhea so remember to enjoy it in moderation.

29 . Garlic

although garlic is rich in antioxidants, eating too much of it can lead to bad breath and body odor. Moreover, overconsumption of garlic can also cause bloating and flatulence. So remember to use it sparingly.

30 . Caffeinated Drinks

Caffeine is good for brain function, but too much of it can cause insomnia and anxiety. Overeating caffeinated drinks like tea, coffee, energy drinks, etc. can also lead to addiction so remember to drink it in moderation.

31 . Alcoholic Beverages

Alcoholic beverages are high in calories, so drinking too much of it can lead to weight gain. Moreover, alcohol is also known to cause cancer. If you’re looking for a healthier alternative, try green tea instead.

32 . Watermelon Juice

While watermelon juice is high in lycopene, it’s also rich in sugar so drinking too much of it can lead to increased risk of diabetes. In some cases, people have been hospitalized because they drank too much of this juice.

33 . Brown Rice

brown rice is a healthier option than white rice, but overeating it can cause weight gain.

34 . Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts are packed with antioxidants, but eating too much of them can lead to gas and bloating. In some cases, people have been hospitalized after consuming this vegetable in large amounts.

So The key to safe consumption of any food is moderation. These foods can be healthy if eaten in the right amounts, but they are unhealthy when you overeat them. Share this article with your friends so that they know what not to eat too much of!