12 Tips to Renew the Relationship With Your Partner

renew relationship

Has your partner become just another face in the crowd? Renew that lost spark by putting some new ideas into practice with these 12 tips to renew “the air” in the relationship.

How can I renew the spark in my relationship?

1. Start With a Clean Slate

Think back to when you first started dating your partner. What did you find attractive about them? What were they like when they were in their best, most vivacious mood? How would they treat other people in the room? Chances are good that this person also exists inside of your relationship, but if she or he has gotten lost along the way, now is the time to bring that person back out.

2. Insults Need Not Apply…

Do you remember how your partner would tease you? How lovingly they would tease you? That’s an art form in itself, and it’s something most people have forgotten how to do over time. Try bringing it back, but make sure you’re not crossing any lines .

3. Renewing the Romance

If you want to renew “the air” in your relationship, put some effort into it! This doesn’t have to take a lot of money or planning – all you need to do is set the mood. Go out to dinner just the two of you, or go for a walk together in the moonlight – whatever it takes to get your mind off of life’s mundane tasks and back into romance.

4. Put Yourself Out There (Together!)

Take an interest in what your partner has been doing lately. Renewing “the air” in your relationship involves getting to know each other again, and the only way you can do that is by looking for reasons to understand what they care about – whether it be through stories on their favorite news station, or surprising them with tickets to see their favorite band.

5. Fix What Isn’t Broken

Do you really think changing a few things in your relationship will renew “the air”? Sometimes the key to a successful relationship is knowing when it’s time to stop trying to fix things that aren’t broken.

6. Get Creative!

It doesn’t have to be Valentine’s Day to give your partner a gift. Renewing “the air” in your relationship means getting back to the basics of why you were attracted to this person in the first place – and that includes what was attractive about them when you started dating.

7. Love Notes!

Do you still write each other love notes? Renewing “the air” in your relationship won’t have to be so romantic if you simply put a pen to paper and write down what you appreciate about your partner on a regular basis. This is not only good for the relationship, but it can help with self-esteem as well.

8. Have Deep Conversations

Do you have in-depth conversations with your partner, or do you only talk about the day’s events? Renewing “the air” in your relationship means having deep conversations that not only help you to understand each other but also help you feel closer.

9. Get Active!

Get out and get moving! Renew “the air” in your relationship by making sure you get plenty of exercise, and set aside some extra time for physical activity with your partner. Renewing the body renews the spirit!

10. Find Fun Activities to Do Together

Remember how you used to do romantic things together? Renewing “the air” in your relationship means getting out of the house and doing things you used to enjoy, but this time with your partner. You can even try some new activities together, provided you do so under the umbrella of something fun!

11. Laugh Together

When was the last time you laughed together? Renewing “the air” in your relationship means adding a little cheer to it. Renewing the spirit renews the body, as comedy is good for stress relief and maintaining a positive attitude.

12. Give Each Other Space!

Don’t forget that you are two unique individuals who need time apart to think, reflect, recharge, etc.. Renewing “the air” in your relationship doesn’t mean you have to spend every waking moment together! Sometimes it’s good for a healthy relationship to stay apart from each other for a bit.

Remember, It’s important to renew the relationship with your partner on a regular basis, both physically and emotionally. Even if you are not in a committed or monogamous relationship, it is still crucial to make time for each other at least once every couple of weeks. If this article got you thinking about how you can put more effort into re-connecting with loved ones, share it! Your friends will thank you later when their relationships are stronger because they took some advice from yours.